The Proof Is In The Pudding!

We specialize in crafting tailored proof-of-concept prototypes that clearly illustrate the potential of AI for your specific enterprise requirements.

Why build a POC?

Helping you to unravel the potential of AI.

Secure Buy-In

Share with stakeholders to secure buy-in for further AI development and deployment.

Identify Limitations

Test and evaluate your concepts performance, capabilities, and limitations to ensure viability.

Solve A Problem

Start small and focus on a specific problem area you want to solve with Gen-AI.

Automation →

Marketing →

Maintenance →

Supply Chain →

Forcasting →

Graphics →

Language →

Compliance →

Identify Opportunity

A custom proof-of-concept is the first step to boost efficiency, reduce costs or generate revenue. Every POC includes a custom API for seamless and immediate integration with your enterprise
Development Process
We have a tried and true formula for creating the ultimate enterprise POC.

Road Map Survey

Want to know where you stand? Complete the following survey and our team will review and send custom report.

Start Your Journey

Affordable ways to kick-off your enterprise AI solution

Online Sandbox

Private experimental lab.


Billed annually with max 10,000 request credits

Proof Of Concept

Basic enterprise POC development.

From $10,000

Unlimited request credits

Schedule Your 30 Minute No Obligation Call

Speak with the Noozy team and partner network today!